At Allscope, when buying TV to reach Seniors (P65+), we use a data-driven, hybrid approach to reach this audience.

Seniors (P65+) are not a monolith. Like any large population group, their behaviors vary greatly and can be segmented on several dimensions, including demographic sub-groups like age, education, and income, among others.
Using traditional TV to reach P65+ remains a well-supported marketing decision. Not only do many studies show that the combination of audio plus video on the big screen is highly impactful, but according to Nielsen Gracenote, P65+ in the US spend about 2x as much time watching traditional TV vs. adults in general. In fact, traditional TV represents 80% of their TV viewing. This makes traditional TV an obvious buy.
According, to the same report, Seniors spend about 20% on average with CTV. However, their streaming viewing habits vary by individual age sub-segments within the P65+ demo. There are distinct programming preferences as well. Nielsen and other syndicated studies indicate, for example, that the youngest sub-segment is much more likely to watch Paramount, Syfy, or FX, whereas the oldest sub-segment is more likely to watch news and golf.
When planning and activating video against this audience, we use a hybrid mix of traditional and CTV to optimize impressions to the individual sub-segments within P65+. Because CTV is digital, it’s a natural environment for this type of advanced segmentation. Using multiple sets of demographic and behavioral data, historical data, local population counts, and AI-driven planning and activation tools, we carve the 65+ universe into distinct segments so we can maximize ROI against the audience.
And, CTV has similar advantages to other digital channels for measurement and attribution too. In addition to hybrid targeting and segmentation on the front end, we use deterministic tracking on the back end to see which TV channels, segments, programming, creative, etc. drive the best ROI. This attribution method becomes one component of a broader media mix modeling approach to help determine return across all channels – not just TV.
As CTV viewing share increases and younger cohorts age into the P65+ population, our hybrid model will be fine-tuned towards reaching these prospects and measuring them while we lean more and more into this channel.